Friday, October 18 2019, Contributed By: NJ Publications


Budgeting. It is one thing that every business and even every household should do. We all must have read much on budgeting and I would be surprised if anyone did not know about the importance of budgeting in personal finance. Yet, it is very rare to find an individual who is committed and consistent in preparing and following budgets for his/her household expenses. In this article, we will talk about budgeting try to find reasons as to why budgets and the budgeting exercises fail?

What is budgeting?

Let us start with the understanding of budgeting. Simply put, 'budgeting' is the process of creating a plan to spend your money during a particular period. This spending plan, along with the limits on different types or heads of expenses, is called a budget. Creating this spending plan allows you to determine in advance whether you will have enough money to do the things you need to do or would like to do. Budgeting is simply balancing your expenses with your income.

Typically, the budgeting exercise for a household would be done on a monthly frequency. It would include all your net income cashflows and also your net outflows and expenses. As such, you will have a clear idea where your money is coming from and going into.

Purpose of budgeting:

The purpose of budgeting is basically to ensure the following things:

  • you are never over-spending in any area

  • ensure that you never run out of money

  • you want to save some money to invest

  • you have control over your spending habits / behaviour

  • plan expenses so as to avoid discretionary expenses

The 50/20/30 Rule:

It is important here to talk of this very popular thumb rule for budgeting called as the 50/20/30 budget rule. The idea here is to divide after-tax, net income into different baskets with limits. The first basket of 50% would be your 'needs'. The second basket of 20% will be allocated towards your savings. The remaining 30% will be on for your wants or discretionary spending. The proportions of this thumb rule are very generic in nature and you will be advised to fix a proportion that is more suited to you.

Note that the 'needs' here are mandatory expenses that you cannot ignore or push forward. These will include things like house rent, utility payments, school fees, maid salaries and grocery bills. The savings component gets a higher priority over optional / voluntary spendings.

Why we fail:

  1. Wrong Plans /Inadequate Limits: Quite often, in the initial zeal of preparing a budget, you may likely go more strict. Inadequate limits on a certain type of expenses may feel very restrictive and thus may lead to a breach. A wrong plan may also mean that you entirely underestimated the expenses or over-estimated the income. There may also be a possibility of any expense head missed out. To be successful, every plan has to be properly prepared in light of your historical spending habits so that there is a sense of continuity.

  2. Lack of self-control: Too many people spend money they earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people that they don't like. This popular is so true for so many of us. Lack of control on what you need to buy or on what things you need to spend are the biggest reason for the breach of budgets. Having self-control on your spendings will go a long way in securing your finances and meeting your budgets.

  3. Lack of discipline: Lack of discipline in preparing and following a budget is often the next culprit for failure of budgeting. We often get tired very easily in the process such that we lose track of our progress. For the success of the entire budgeting exercise, one has to be very disciplined to record and track your progress. Over time, one is also likely to lose interest in this exercise believing it to be boring and uninspiring.

  4. Lack of appreciation: Most of us may begin the budgeting exercise without an adequate level of conviction or commitment to follow the same. This may be due to the person not really understanding and appreciating the full benefits of budgeting. Keeping yourself half committed is never going to work.

  5. Lack of team work: Budgeting for a household is a team effort. Your spouse, children and even parents would be expected to agree to and follow the budget. Even your children would be given fixed pocket money or budget limit for managing their affairs. If any family member does not

  6. You missed out emergencies: It is very likely that one misses out for accommodating any emergencies since these emergencies do not occur very often. We are not even talking of big emergencies here since we believe you would be having an emergency fund to look after the big ones. What we are talking here is about the small, unexpected emergencies like, loss of your mobile phone, a car repair expense, your child falling sick for few days, unexpected medical checkups for parents, and so on. It would be advisable to keep a small portion of your budget, say 5% only for unexpected small emergencies for the month.

  7. Give it time: Rome was not built in a day and neither can you hope to build a perfect budgeting culture in your home from day one. Budgeting may require a behavioural and even a lifestyle change. It may take some time for the people to adjust their spending habits as per budgets. Be patience and be considerate enough when you start the journey. Perhaps the first few months will be more of learning for everyone but one should not lose hope and keep committed to this over the long term.

Fortification of your finances

Friday, October 04 2019, Contributed By: NJ Publications

Fortification of your finances:

What does fortification of your finances really mean?

The term fortification essentially means creating a defence or reinforcement that gives you strength against any attack or in other words – risk. True financial fortification would mean that your defence or support has to be very strong and all protective against any kind of risk of financial loss or expense. Essentially it would mean that you and your family is financially ready to deal with any unpleasant, unexpected developments.

Typically any person or family always is faced with some financial risks which may follow any unpleasant event like death of earning member or hospitalisation or accident or illness of any person. There are also many other type of financial risks, but we will ignore them for this article. Without adequate protection against death, disease, disability, etc., the long term financial goals of a family like education for children, purchase of home, marriage plans, etc. too are put on high risk.

Life insurance, health insurance, critical illness insurance and accidental insurance are tailor made products that help you in fortification of your finances. They protect by minimising the cash demands on your existing savings or wealth earmarked for your financial goals. By providing you with additional capital, the insurance plans should take care of your financial needs at such times. However, it has to be noted that the insurance protection cover has to be adequate to ensure that you remain in safe waters.

Here are some of our thoughts on your fortification of finances.

Emergency fund: The emergency fund is your first source of support should any unexpected development take place. There is no product for emergency fund however, it is very important that such money be kept in liquid assets. Mutual fund liquid schemes can be good avenues for keeping your emergency fund. The fund should be kept secured and whenever any withdrawals are done, it should be replenished back. Typically at least three to six months of your total household expenses should be kept in emergency funds. How much to save will depend on case to case basis and typically those with volatile income streams should have higher targets.

Life Insurance: While many of us have life insurance, typically the underlying product is a traditional insurance plan sold by your friendly insurance agent. Unfortunately, such plans normally have very low insurance cover which will prove to be inadequate for your family for sustain themselves for the future. So how much should be the cover for?

The life insurance cover should be able to

(a) repay all your existing liabilities,

(b) provide for all pending financial goals like education, marriage, etc., and

(c) provide for regular household expenses (inflation adjusted) for foreseeable future.

You may realise that your existing life cover will be very inadequate to meet all the above. Traditional plans will come at a very high cost for such cover and will be unaffordable. The only product that can meet your need is the – pure term insurance product which provides at the highest cover at the lowest cost. However, there is also an upper limit on same. We would recommend that you should sit with your financial advisor to really understand the cover you should take. Typically for a middle class family with four/five dependents should have term insurance of at least Rs. 1 to 2 crore.

Health Insurance: Health insurance is indispensable today and a must for everyone. There are many products available in the market that will help you smartly plan for health expenses of you and your family. Products like floater policies, top up and super top up products are popular and a good mix of right products will truly help you manage your financial risks in this regards.

The question here too is how much cover will be adequate? With fast rising medical health costs, the health cover amount should be regularly assessed. Typically a family should have at least 5 to 10 lakhs of family cover depending on your financial status and city. Buying a health insurance at early age when everyone is healthy is highly recommended as you may find it difficult to get a policy in future post any medical condition arises.

Accident Insurance: The accident insurance is another basic product highly recommended. It is more of an advanced product and protect you against hospitalisation, treatment expenses for certain kind of accidents. It will also protect you against temporary or permanent – partial or full disability unlike any other product. It will also provide you with protection against temporary loss of income post accident. Being an inexpensive product, it is highly recommended. The cover amount should be at least upwards of Rs. 50 lakh and if possible should be even higher than term insurance as family expenses will be very high post any disability /accident. However, getting a higher cover is not easy and will depend a lot on your income and nature of job.

Critical Illness Insurance: The critical illness is a bit more advanced product which you should explore. It would provide you with financial support when any critical medical condition develops. The need for critical illness is subject and if you have a family history or likelihood that a critical medical condition may develop in future then it is more recommended. Also, it can be seen as an extra layer of protection which you may opt for to further fortify your finances if you can afford it along with the basic insurance products. A critical illness cover of about 20-25 lakhs would be adequate for most people.

Guaranteed ways to lose money

Friday, September 27 2019, Contributed By: NJ Publications

Guaranteed ways to lose money

We have discussed a lot of personal finance in our previous issues. But there also exist a lot of products or should we say things or habits that lead to wealth destruction. Every product and asset class has its unique features, but it is important to understand that every asset class is different from the other and is having its own peculiar risks. If you play with an asset class in the wrong way, it can destruct your wealth in a big way rather than creating it for you. Let's have a look at some of the practices, which help in losing money

  1. Day Trading

Day trading, simply put is the activity of buying and selling the shares on a single day without taking any deliveries with a purpose to gain from the daily volatility in the stock prices. Day trading is the most common practice followed by new entrants into Equity investing. This would also apply to people who buy on deliver but to hold it only for a few days or weeks to benefit from trend movement. There are many so-called experts and even coaching institutions teaching this skill to others. 

It is the most exciting feature as the prospect of making lakhs by sitting in front of the screen and just guessing the right prices is a mouth-watering one. Always remember that fluctuations in share prices during the day does not truly represent the functioning of the company. The person who makes the most money through day trading is the broker. For an investor, the chances of making money in day trading are as good as winning a toss and true success stories are very rare and far in between. Even the people who claim to be experts earn more from teaching this to gullible persons than by earning through trading itself.

  1. Investing in FD's over the long term

Investors are obsessed with the safety of their investments and jump on any product giving guaranteed returns. Fixed Deposits as an asset class are good for short term investments of say less than five years. Some part of your investment for long-term can also stay in debt products, including bank FDs. The key here is the asset allocation you are following. 

However, there are a very large number of individuals who only save in bank FDs. They generally start an FD for a tenure of say 6/8 years and then keep renewing it. But by doing so, the investor does not realise that it losing money as the value of money also keeps on declining due to inflation. So, if you have got an attractive return of say 8.5% on your FD and the inflation during the period was 7%, your actual rate of return is 1.5%. To make matters worse, if you are into say 30% tax slab, your real earnings will be a negative of 1.05% (8.5% less 30% = 5.95% less inflation 7%). Thus, your post-tax real returns are declining by investing in bank FDs. So, if you are investing for so many years, you are losing money as well as the opportunity to create wealth by investing in other market-linked products /equities.

  1. Derivative Trading

Futures & Options are available in the stock market for the purpose of better price discovery and for hedging your investments. Unfortunately, these derivatives are used as tools for making quick money and they turn out to be more dangerous than day trading. In derivative trading, you can trade for 25 times more than the money you have.

So if you are having Rs. 100, you can trade for Rs. 500 through derivatives. So with the same investment, you can make 5 times more profit (and conversely 5 times more losses, wiping out your capital). There have been instances where people have lost their entire saings and even homes dabbling in derivatives. No wonder that they are called as 'weapons of mass destruction' by people like Warren Buffet. Derivatives are for use of professionals and playing in them without their guidance can be highly dangerous. Period.

  1. Keeping cash

Another Myth for keeping money safe is to keep it in cash. Cash not only has its own risks for storage but is also the only asset class which gives “0” returns. The value or the purchasing power of your cash goes down continuously due to inflation. This can be best understood if you list down the items which could have been bought in Rs. 100, 10 years back and the price of those items now. You should keep cash only to ensure your basic needs. With the increase in popularity of digital payments, namely say UPI and rise of applications like Amazon, Flipkart, Big Basket, Bookmyshow, Google Pay, Paytm, etc., most of your payments can be done online or by using the QR code even at retail shops. So cash is effectively not required unless you need it. 

Going even a step beyond keeping cash, there is also this thought that too much money should not be kept in your savings account which is not earning anything from you. Keeping this money in products like mutual fund liquid funds which offer insta cash facility - immediate redemption and credit in 30 minutes at any time, subject to certain limitations, will provide a lot more earning opportunities for you. 

  1. Using your credit card as a free money instrument

Credit cards are the most widely used instruments these days in place of cash. It gives a lot of conveniences as you don't need to pay at the time of purchase. In fact, you enjoy an interest-free period of up to 45 / 60 days on your purchases. But many a time, people tend to overspend on the credit card. It is important to pay your dues back on time, else you can be subjected to interest rates as high as 3.5% compounding per month (which works out to an annual rate of 51% interest). 

Never fall in the trap of skipping your credit card payments or paying “minimum amount due” as you start getting charged heftily on all transactions done then on. The interest rates are so high that if you default you might end up paying higher interest than the principal amount. Though, if you keep paying on time, there is no better option than a credit card. Besides you also keep earning reward points for the money spent by you.

It may take you a long time to create your wealth, but to lose it can be done in a matter of seconds. It is better to stay away from practices that can erode your wealth and make good use of every product available in the right way. That way, we will not only save wealth but also will be able to sleep peacefully.

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